Hexo blog cannot display pictures solution

Hexo provides many ways to insert pictures in blog, which can be divided into 2 categories by syntax:

  1. syntax natively supported by Markdown

    ![image description](image path)

    Where, the image path cannot use an absolute path in the local system, for example: C:/Users/admin/Pictures/a.jpg . This is because Hexo cannot parse images correctly when generating static web pages, resulting in images not being displayed properly on the web page.

    The correct image path has the following two forms:

    • Relative to the blog's root directory: /imgs/a.jpg . To use this method, you need to create a new imgs folder under the source directory of the blog, and store the images used in the article in the imgs folder.

      For example, using the syntax of /imgs/0_0.jpg, the following image can be displayed:

    • Relative path relative to a blog post: ./article_1/a.jpg . To use this method, you need to set the post_asset_folder option to true in the Hexo configuration file _config.yaml. Then use hexo new xxx to create a new article, Hexo will create a folder with the same name as the article under the source/_posts directory, and then put the pictures that the article needs in this folder, and use the relative path to reference .

      For example, using the syntax Hexo blog cannot display pictures solution/0_1.jpg, the following pictures can be displayed:

  2. Hexo-specific asset_img tag syntax

    The image reference method recommended by Hexo is as follows:

    {% asset_img example.jpg This is an example image %}

    However, this syntax cannot display pictures normally in the Markdown editor, and it will affect our viewing of article content in the editor. Personally, I do not recommend this method.

After my own exploration, I got the following more useful solution, which can display images correctly in both the Hexo blog and the Markdown editor.

First, set the post_asset_folder option to true in _config.yaml according to the official Hexo documentation. Then, install the plugin hexo-image-link, the installation command is:

$ npm install hexo-image-link --save

If the hexo-asset-img plugin has been installed, it needs to be uninstalled:

$ npm uninstall --save hexo-asset-img

Then, configure the Markdown editor Typora as follows:

After the configuration is complete, when pasting a picture in Typora, Typora will automatically save the picture in a directory with the same name as the file name, and use a relative path to reference the picture in Markdown. In this way, we can see pictures in Hexo blog and Typora at the same time.

Hexo blog cannot display pictures solution
https://arcsin2.cloud/en/2023/02/23/Hexo blog cannot display pictures solution/
Posted on
February 23, 2023
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